Marketing & Business Development
The following functions are examples of Project Management facilitated by us:
- Assess challenges of the business
- Assess a situation effectively to correct and fix it
- Manage the marketing & business development for various industries to improve branding and product presentation
- Implement and execute marketing/advertising campaigns
- Recruit consultants for requirements of the project
- Negotiate third party fees for maximum value to the client
- Streamline performance within staff and administration
- Educate client to continue their marketing and business development once platform is completed and executed
- Monitor client progress on periodic basis
- Increase productivity
- Cost Budget Control
- Structuring and negotiating Contracts/leases
- Human Resources
- Marketing strategies
- Develop branding
- Website Development and on line marketing tools
- Perform Marketing plans
Aug. 2014 – Present (Ladysmith, B.C.)
E-Newsletter and Web Development Company
Further develop branding, incorporated additional logo, slogans, website content and design layout, hard copy marketing materials.
Sept. 2014 – Dec. 14 (Nanaimo, B.C.)
Marketing Consultant for Multi-Tenant Commercial Facility
Managed the development of their new website to attract local and out of town tenants searching on line for premises to establish their business in that provides versatile commercial zoning, a prime location and features of the units available for lease.
Aug. 2014 – Dec. 14 (Nanaimo, B.C.)
Marketing Consultant for Landscape and Irrigation Company
Developed new website to promote the Nananimo services of landscaping, irrigation, fencing, rock work and snow removal for commercial and residential clients.
Dec. 2012 – Dec. 2014 (Nanaimo, B.C.)
Marketing Consultant for Soccer and Sports Store
Developed: brand, on line marketing, hard copy materials, logo, campaigns, affiliations, E- Commerce website and worked with sales staff to execute better product presentation throughout the store. Developed the Discount Corner to display an array of sports items and clothing at discounted pricing.
Moving Company
Develop brand, online marketing, hard copy materials, marketing campaigns to target local market share, affiliations, organize events, restructure administration, increase productivity, incorporate new division of care services for complete relocation services, restructure personnel, streamline operation costs.
Aug. 2012 – Dec. 2012 (Nanoose Bay, B.C.)
Wine Making Store
Re-branded and developed online marketing, website, hard copy materials, signage, affiliations and customer incentive programs. Organized product presentation within the premises and organized 1st Nanoose Bay Day Community Event.
Apr. 2011 – Dec. 2012 (Nanaimo, B.C.)
Shoe Repair Store
Developed branding and incorporated new logo, implemented marketing campaigns to attract new and established customers to new location.
Dec. 2011 – Jan. 2013 (Nanaimo, B.C.)
Golf Store
Re-branded and developed new Logo, website, hard copy and online marketing tools, streamline operation costs.
Nov. 2011 – Jan. 2013 (Parksville, B.C.)
Cabinet Store
Developed brand with new logo, hard copy materials, signage and website, negotiated and structured new lease for additional space.
Aug. 2011 – Dec. 2011 (Vancouver Island, B.C.)
Franchised Restaurant (3 Locations)
Developed brand, marketing platform, hard copy materials, Canadian website, leased vans for the purpose of a mobile bill board, delivery and catering.
Apr. 2011 – Aug. 2011 (Nanaimo, B.C.)
Web Development Company
Developed business platform, brand, products, website packages; recruited personnel for leadership roles. Managed daily operations, payables and receivables, personnel and sales of the company until personnel were able to perform on their own.
Jan. 2005 – Sept. 2006 (Fernie, B.C.)
Two Hotels, Bars & Restaurants
Restructured financing, wages, negotiated with shareholders/creditors on arrears owed, hired, trained and terminated staff. Oversaw costs, budgets and renovations, created incentive programs, managed hotels until operating efficiently.
Jan. 2001 – Jan. 2005 (Nanaimo, B.C.)
Auto Electric Company
Structured employee incentives, Hired personnel for parts manager, Bookkeeper and technicians, Project Managed complete renovation of residence and business premises, Managed payables and receivables, restructured financing and Generally oversaw all operations of the business until functioning to full efficiency and realizing net profit.